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(1 edit) (+1)

Really well done ! It is so much fun to draw with this little app for the playdate. I wish there would be different colours - kidding :) but it would be so nice to have another size for the pencil and a fill tool - thanks !


i was just expecting to have this on my playdate as a gimmick app but it's surprisingly fun to use. it's probably up there with my most played sideloaded games hahaha

i'd really love to see the ability to change brush size for both the pencil and eraser and an option to invert the colours on the canvas, otherwise a great little tool


Your game is at 0:00.

I am not creative enough to really draw but the toolset you've created is pretty phenomenal and feels far better than I would have thought. Will absolutely mess around with this more and not just make 12 year old drawings of penis' and boobs like I did here. 

Would love to see some different sizes for drawing in the future.

Lol I love it. thanks for playing! :)